Interestingly, you can get trained and deemed qualified to coach people professionally with Free Life Coach Certification Online just in the comfort of your zone. And the good news is that we have a list of most of the Free Life Coach Certification you can get online in this post. Apart from the basic foundation about life coaching that you will get there also lots of reasons you should consider getting free Life Coaching certification Online.

Why You Need Free Life Coach Certification

Although there are sports coaches, leadership coaches, health coaches, business coaches, and spiritual coaches, life Coach is the most important when you think about shaping your life. And, it is one thing to be a life coach and its another thing to be a certified Life coach which can only be possible if you have the certification. Now, here are other reasons I think you need Free Life Coach Certification Online;

#1 Well-equipped foundation

In building any profession or even learning a skill getting the basic foundation is the primary tool. Having a strong foundation brings out expertise in you. Same with Life Coaching. A life Coach Certification comes with training and classes that are comprehensive and detailed. This training will give you a solid coaching foundation and get prepared and fit to help people.

#2 Build your life coaching career

Another way you should get a life Coach Certification is that it will help you build your career. This is because most of the classes and training include some marketing tools and resources which will really be of help to you.

#3 You will earn people’s trust

This is another reason you need Life coach Certification. Just like a certified chemist will be more trusted by people than someone that just did apprenticeship is also how a certified Life coach will be valued and trusted more than just someone that enjoys advising people. Also, when considering building a career or taking making life coaching a profession, getting certified makes it easier for people earn people’s trust. This because the training provides you with the knowledge, confidence, and proof of expertise to help potential clients and employers.

Difference between a Life Coach and a therapist

Although Life coaches and Therapists are interrelated, there is big difference between the two. Most times some people interchange while some think that the two are the same. Even some life Coaches call themselves a therapist, likewise some therapist. Although coaching can can be therapeutic, but there are some major differences between life coaching and therapy. First, a therapist counsels you based on your past experiences and what has happened in your life previously. On the other hand, a coach looks at your present to help you create the future you want to see. In summary, therapy in based on insights while Coaching is based on actions.

How to become a certified Life Coach Online

Some people naturally listen to others and know only when to give advice and when to lend an ear. Those who possess these innate talents tend to be excellent online coaches. It requires sympathy but also integrity and the ability to spread cruel love when necessary.If this sounds like you, becoming an online life coach might be your ideal career. In just a few simple steps and in a short amount of time, you can help others get their best! Here are four ways on how you can become a life coach online: ou may want to help everyone, but it is recommended that you focus on a specific area of ​​specialization. When you choose a specific place to focus on, you become an expert in helping those in this demographic. This allows them to gain confidence in you faster as you are trained and experienced in your own problems. Online life coaches can specialize in almost any area people have problems with, but some are more common than others. You can find your place at:

Helping people through their personal relationships,Dealing with the problems that come with aging,Help them with their self-confidence,Guides them through health and wellness,Or even help them through career changes or work in their businesses.

Anyone can give advice, and they do so frequently and freely. However, if you want someone to pay you for their advice, and want to know how to make sure that their advice is relevant and accurate, then you need to find a training program in your chosen location. It will help people make life-changing decisions. This is a responsibility that should not be underestimated. Invest in your training like any other title. Find a prestigious program offering specialized training in the region you want to work in. During this training, you should learn about:

Psychological aspects of your new career,How to evaluate your customers to determine what they needCommunicate with customers to meet their needs,How do we do all this with ethics and integrity?

Once you complete the training program, additional credentials can help you join trusted professional societies, making it easier for customers to trust you. The standards for these associations are often high, so once you meet them, you have shown that you have experience in your area and a high work ethic. Many of these credentials require a minimum number of hours of training experience divided by the minimum number of clients. You may also need to do a trainer knowledge assessment, which is a test of all the information, skills, and ethics involved in becoming a life coach online. As with any commercial project, you will need to work with a professional to learn about the legal aspects involved in owning a business in your state. This will help you protect you legally and also ensure that you follow state and federal guidelines for operating a business. If you work with a life coaching company pre-existing on the Internet, they may have their own requirements, such as commercial insurance or training.

What are Online Life Coach Courses Majors?

When considering taking an online course in Life coaching, it is important you decide first the area you want to cover because Life coach courses cover so many areas. Some life coaching courses deals or focus on effective communication tactics, as well as motivation skills and techniques. Specifically, the areas or classes you will undergo will be dependent on the course you want. Below are some of Life coaching Courses Major;

Results-driven life coaching and the life coaching processGoal setting and action stepsDeveloping professional client/coach relationshipsRecord keeping and confidentialityEthicsBusiness topics for building a life coaching practice

Now having known the areas life coaching covers, you can be well directed on the course to choose that you know will give you what you want. But before then, another important factor that you should know in order to plan yourself very well is time duration. This will lead us to answer the question many people has asked.

How long will it take to Complete a Life Coach Course?

Although this depends also on the course you want because the courses have different time duration, Most life coaching certificate could take you anywhere from 16 to 100 hours to complete. You can absolutely complete your life coaching program online as soon as possible.

How much will Life Coach Certification Online cost?

Normally, the cost of getting Life Coach Certification Online is from $1,500 to $8,000 on an average basis. Most schools that offer advanced life coaching training or specialized training likely will allow you to take courses as your finances permit so that you can spread the tuition costs over the course of several months. Now, this is why taking is opportunity thrown to you right now is the best. With free Life Coach Certification Online, you are sure of getting certified as a life coach without having to pay. Imagine the cost it will save you.

Are there Requirements for Life Coach Certification?

Interestingly, No. there is no condition or requirement for you to become a certified Life Coach. All you need is the desire and passion. This career welcomes people from all backgrounds. No matter the experiences you have had in the past or where you come from, even without seeing the four walls of the tertiary institute, you can become a life coach. So you see, You don’t have any limitation! One more thing you should look at is a list of universities or other educational platform where you can get free life coaching certification.

Platforms that offer free Life Coach Online Certification

To get free Life Coach certification, there are some many universities, academy and other platforms where you can get that done. This institutes provides free classes and training online free for anyone who is interested in becoming a Life Coach. They also provide free materials and textbooks which students can access online. So, if you are interested here are platforms where you can Life Coach Certification.

Advanced Online Interactive Learning System (Alison)

ALISON provides an opportunity for students to take free life coach courses and get certified. They provide a free learning platform to enhance workplace skills, interactive education, and multimedia learning.


Through this platform, you can access some of the best top-notch online courses provided by some universities. With Coursera’s free online courses, you can boost your Cv, get more skills and build your career.


Udemy’s goal is to disrupt and democratize the world of education by allowing anyone to teach and learn online. It strives to change education dramatically by enabling millions of experts from all over the world to teach and share what they know. Whether you want to learn excellence, business and entrepreneurship, academics, arts, health, and fitness, language, music or technology, there is a full course for you


When Udacity first started its courses in February 2012, the model was that all online courses are open enrollment; you can learn at the speed that suits you and access all the information you need at any time. At the end of the semester, download your certificate to prove your level of achievement in the course, all for free.

Khan Academy

At Khan Academy, you learn almost anything for free. With over 3,100 videos on everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, history and hundreds of practice skills, the Online Academy is on a mission to help you learn what you want, when you want, at the speed that suits you.


EdX is a transformational partnership in online education between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University to offer accredited online university courses to millions of people around the world. Today, many other international universities offer online courses on edX.

University of the People

University of the People (UoPeople) has announced the world’s first online tuition-free university dedicated to global progress and democratization in higher education. UoPeople offers undergraduate and graduates degree programs in business administration and computer science.

ITunes U

If you are a student using Apple devices, you will be happy to know that you have access to iTunes U, giving you access to various educational courses from all the leading universities for free! Have you ever dreamed of studying at MIT, Oxford, Yale or Cambridge? This is your chance to learn various subjects from the best colleges and universities in the world.


Saylor strives to provide free quality education for everyone around the world. The Saylor team hires accredited teachers to create course plans, identify, examine and organize open education resources: open educational resource materials in an organized and intuitive form. Each course ends with a final exam, and students with a passing score can download a completion certificate.


Aside from the free life coach online certification this platform provides, you can also get here the opportunity to learn a new skill or improve the mastery of Photoshop, Illustrator or HTML and unlimited access to high-quality video courses from a global community of educators.

Academic Earth

This platform is another place you can get free life coach certification. With a free internet connection to learn at the speed that suits them from world-renowned experts, without the burden of high tuition costs.


This University features a massive portfolio of courses from 19 university schools, colleges, and units. From literature to dentistry to public policy, the comprehensive list includes a variety of training courses, all complete with study programs, lectures, and supplementary materials.

Carnegie Mellon

Carnegie Mellon University has only a few courses in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. However, the courses are comprehensive and the design helps for a simplified learning experience. Although there are no video conferences, classes are offered as online courses. All notes are completely digital, and there are issues with the interactive practice for students to verify their understanding of each lesson.

Tufts University

Choose from schools of dentistry, medicine, food policy, veterinary medicine, arts, science, engineering, and international relations. Each course contains a variety of materials: PDFs of lecture slides, assignments, and exams.

Notre Dame

Notre Dame’s OCW program offers courses in twenty of its departments, from space and classical engineering to mathematics and theology. Each course includes a study program. Others have stratigraphic structural schemes. Classes also include teacher CVs, so you know you’re learning from a certified source. Audio lectures, PowerPoint slides, illustrations and text are free to use.

University of California, Berkeley

The University of California at Berkeley webinars offer a wide range of courses in a comprehensive list of departments and also career courses free. Because online broadcasts are more or less lecture records, unlike enhanced courses on the web, they lack lecture notes and supplementary materials. However, each session contains audio recordings of lectures via iTunes or videos of lectures via YouTube. Finally, let’s look at the List of the Free Life Coach Certification provided by the above-mentioned institutes. Note, although all the classes and training for the courses are free, you may be required to pay a little amount of money to get the certificates.

How To Become A Life Coach For Free

To become a life coach or free you need to enroll for any of the free life coaching courses on any of the e-learning platforms listed below.

List of the free life coaching certification courses online

Here’s a list of free life coaching certification courses online;

Life Coaching Certificate Course (Udemy)

Do you want to help give someone’s life meaning? this free life coaching certification will give you a head start. This is an online life coach certification that focuses on providing insight into the major principles, processes, and strategies needed to help yourself and others achieve and transcend goals in personal and career life and relationships. After this certificate course, you will get information on how to store, process, and remember information about events in your life. More so, you will learn how to identify and manage unwanted ideas and behaviors, encourage self-thinking, correct wrong priorities, and set and achieve realistic goals. Furthermore, this course will improve your communication skills, and you will be able to build business relationships with clients and gain confidence and skills to guide them through personal change. Note, the duration for this course is 20 hours. So, you must be committed if you want to complete it successfully.

INLP Life Coach Certification Online

INLP Life Coach Certification Online is another free online certification anyone that wants to be a certified Life Coach can take. In this course, you will understand NLP tools, models, techniques and life coaching in a systematic way. Aside from that, you will learn the depth of the stages of the training session: pre-training, information gathering, transformation, integration, and summary/task. Some of the topics discussed are safe training mentality, training models, communication models, cultivating self-awareness, building internal resources, setting goals and transforming stuck countries. Furthermore, this free life coach certification online will equip you with the basic skills you will need to work effectively with the customer, and a business and marketing plan for success. Note, the duration for this course varies. So, you must be committed if you want to complete it successfully.

Udemy Life Purpose Life Coach Certification

When talking about courses that can help remodel your life that people will want to emulate from you, Udemy Life Purpose Life Coach Certification will help you. This free Life coach course is designed to help you find the purpose of your life and help your clients with the same. Moreso, after getting this Udemy Life Purpose Life Coach Certification, the knowledge you will get will help you when it comes to understanding what makes people change over a period of time, identify the negative patterns they chose, decipher their passions and interests to recognize what their purpose might be, interpret their personality type, and empower them to take control of your life. Interestingly, this course can be useful to not only life coaches but also teachers and motivational speakers. Note, the duration for this course is 6 to 7 hours, but at the end, you will get 3 different professional certifications.

Professional Life Coach Certification and Guide (Udemy)

This certification provided by Udemy is another free life coach certification online you can get if you want to become a certified life coach. This course covers advanced techniques and strategies that you can use to get real results for your clients and thrive in your life coaching business. Also, this free online life coaching course will help you learn the best practices in the life coaching industry, skills, techniques, and tools useful in professional life coaching, setting healthy expectations with clients, and overcoming your own biases. Furthermore, with this certification, you will Master various aspects of life coaching and improve your credibility as a life coach. Note, the duration for this online certification is 12 hours. This should inform you that your commitment will be highly required if you want to complete it successfully.

Introduction to Life Coaching

This course is one of the best free online Life coaching courses offered by Udemy. This course will help equip you with all you need to start/advance your career as a life coach. Basically, the course deals with the aspects of training and prepares you to work as a life coach. And also teach you on how to communicate effectively, set goals and achieve them, and use self-development training Some of the topics covered include the difference between consulting, training, consulting, counseling, listening skills, questions, communication forms, the wheel of life, and the use of clean language in training.

Udemy Happiness Life Coach Certification

Happiness is one major thing that as a life coach you must attain to make come to reality in the life of your client no matter the situation. Happiness has an impact on all aspects of our lives and fortunately there is a science to manage it. Through this course, you will learn how to identify the true desires of your clients and help them release their limiting beliefs and self-destructive behav iors, make them get to know who they are and re-align them, teach them to pass negative memories and encourage them to take control of their lives. This course will help you teach your clients how to find their happiness using a tried and tested step-by-step system. This course is part of the Udemy Master Coach certification.

Life Coach Course (The Institute For Life Coach Training)

The Life Coach Training Institute offers a wide range of life coaching courses. The most prominent program offered by this institute is that students can choose from a variety of electives. Students can pursue one or more courses tailored to their unique needs. This training program will provide you with the various tools, theories, and practices needed to establish a successful training practice.

Benefits of a Life Coaching Certificate

The advantage or benefit of Life Coaching online certification cannot be overemphasized. Although it requires a commitment which most people lack, the truth remains that if you are able to give it your time and put your best in ensuring that you take up a course and complete it, you will be glad you did. Aside from being certified professionally in the field of Life Coaching, there are other things you will gain with the certificate which counts the following;

Boost Your Confidence

Getting a Life Coaching online certification will automatically give you the moral that you can help any of your clients achieve whatever they desire because they know they have gotten the skill.
With the knowledge you will gain from the classes, you won’t doubt whether or not you can truly help people.

Gives you the Greatest Experience

Going for an online life coaching certification will give you the greatest experience in the field of life coaching that can help you build your career. Each module includes experiential exercises and tools to help you put knowledge into practical action and to negate any of your inward disqualifiers.

Get certified at your own pace

With online life coach certification, you can earn your credentials on your own schedule and at your own pace. When you enroll, you have immediate access to the program.  You won’t really have a date for classes that if you don’t meet up, you will fail. Once you have your phone or laptop you can attend your training. Here are four ways on how you can become a life coach online:Choose your styleChoose and complete a training programGet your credentialsBuild your business So, if you are interested here are platforms where you can Life Coach Certification.AlisonCourseraUdemyUdacityKhan AcademyUniversity of the PeopleOpenCourseWare ConsortiumEDX……..

