Read through this article to find out how possible that is. Business management certificate provides students with theoretical business knowledge through exposure to strategy, finance, marketing, operations, and accounting. In fact, this certificate builds personal and professional confidence in students. Also, it provides exposure to alternative approaches and ideas. Virtually every sector of the economy has a business aspect. So, you may need tips, ideas or effective ways to run your organization smoothly. A Business Management certificate compliments your expertise as a teacher, architect, doctor, nurse, and any other profession to take up managerial roles.
The World Scholarship Forum has put together this piece to furnish you with information on how to get this certification and also various types of business certifications to select from. Here, you will know online schools where you can get this certification and scholarship opportunities for this course you may benefit from alongside the cost.

What is a Business Management Certificate?

Usually, certificate programs are short course work-issued out to enhance understanding in a particular field. So, a Certificate in Business Management is giving upon completion of a business management course that provides students with relevant skills in their business career. These skills pertain to financial, legal and human resources issues as regards business. Also, this certificate can be run as a diploma course for a duration of 3 months to 2 years. This depends on the type of certification, school, and type of program. Even though business management is available as a regular degree, master’s and doctoral degree, it also provides its certification for experts who may just want to increase their business managerial skills. Furthermore, a business management certificate may stand alone as a program or as a complement to traditional degrees and is available to everyone. A professional in the mid-years of his career, trying to take up a managerial role, may get this certification. In fact, a teacher, doctor, engineer, architect or lawyer whose responsibilities expand may take up a free online business management certificate course to cover the managerial scope of his job.

What can I do with a Business Management Certificate?

Business Management Course is offered as either a bachelor’s degree, master’s or doctoral degree. People who enrol in this course as a degree program, have an edge over other applicants during a job search. Graduates of this degree may work as the following listed below. However, certifications are also available in this course for expertise in their field of study but want to improve their managerial skills to accommodate an increase in their scope of work. Actually, with a certification in business management, your traditional degree gains more value. So, you have both personal and professional confidence to advance in your career. With a Business Management Certificate, you may apply for an entry-level management position in various organizations. Basically, the course provides specialized skills that can speed up your journey on the corporate ladder sooner than expected. Actually, this is because you understand the handling process that your organization needs for smooth operation. Some opportunities open to you will include the following.

Are there Online Business Management Certificate programs?

The course business management can be offered as a degree program or a diploma. While there are schools offering this program, online schools make it better and easier for you. They provide this knowledge on dealing with managerial responsibility as a certificate course so you learn from your comfort zone. Online schools such as Udemy, Coursera, and eCornell offer various business management courses you may get their certificates upon completion. While these courses may not be free, you may check out scholarship opportunities available for online students. However, you can also enroll for free online Business Management courses with printable certificates at Future Learn and Oxford Study Online. Although it is important to know if an online school is reliable and accredited for the particular skill you intend to enroll for.

How do I get an Online Business Management Certificate?

To get a business management certificate, you will need a working laptop and a good internet connection. All your course work and lectures will be accessed online. Also, choose an area to take this certificate course. However, this choice will now determine the school, cost, and duration of the study. Upon enrollment, they expect you to finish up your coursework which covers the basics of business together with other courses deemed beneficial to your area of interest. The basics of business include: There are several business certificates online that provide a highlight of vital business operations. Also, the certification covers operations like organizational management and organizational behaviour. Below are business management certificates that are online and available for you.

Online Business Management Certificates

Professional Online Business Management Certificate

These certificates are online business management courses for people who intend to top the corporate ladder or advance in their business career. These certificates are usually paid for and require a degree or equivalent years of experience. However, these certifications are online too and here are some of them.

#1 The Executive Development Certificates

Basically, this certificate provides the students with both professional, personal knowledge and skill to excel in the ever-increasing competitive market. This program is mainly aimed at executives, professionals, and consultants who seek to make a qualitative leap in their careers. This program is launched by the International Monetary Fund business school which is a member of The Association to Advance Collegiate School of Business (AACSB) and the Association Of MBA’s. This course is an online program taught over 5 months in Spanish. This presumably allows the student to access the study from any geographical location and in their comfort zone. Students who successfully pass this program will get a double degree from The University of Nebrija and by IMF Business School. Meanwhile, all the advantages of the IMF will be benefitted by the student. They include

Scholarships and Study Aid ProgramEmployment Exchange with over 12,000 vacancies published in the last yearUnlimited TutorialsLive online classesMasterclasses and Networking SessionsFinancing without interest or banking interventionVirtual library with over 30,000 referencesVirtual video library with access to the classes of any masterAccess to the 

Organizational structure and strategic direction in the companyFinancial managementMarketing and business managementOperations management and information management systemsPersonal and managerial skillsEthical LeadershipPersonal design with Mindfulness

A university degree or equivalent professional experience must for this course. However, this course will cost #500 euros with a 40% scholarship worth 2, 100 euros.

#2. Edge Online Business Foundations Certificate

This course is geared towards making students understand the fundamental principles that form the foundations of business, whatever and wherever your industry. In fact, these foundations are necessary for anyone venturing into business whether as in management or as an entrepreneur. So, this course covers three business areas. They are: Meanwhile, this course is open to anyone who seeks to build a firm foundation in key business, management, and leadership concepts. However, it is taught in English for 90 days and will cost $100.

#3. Micro-masters Business Management Certificate

Basically, this online professional business management certificate is available on edX online school. Although you may learn at your own speed, you’re expected to finish this course in a space of 1 year which is spread over 95- 173 hours of your effort. However, this online certificate course is endorsed by oracle consulting and will cost about $810 for the full program experience. In fact, it covers six management principles of accounting. Finance, operations management, people management, marketing, and business strategy. Also, career opportunities like team leads, program managers, first-time managers, and mid-career professionals are open to you with this certificate. However, entrepreneurs can also improve effectiveness in business by enrolling for this professional online business management certificate course. To apply, tap the button below.

#4. Business Foundations Specialization Certificate

This online management certificate in business is available on Coursera and offered by the University of Pennsylvania. Actually, a total number of 54, 241 people enroll for this course and work as operation managers, operation analysts, controllers, financial advisors, and financial analysts. Although it’s a 100% online professional certificate that is run from beginner level on a flexible schedule, set and maintain flexible deadlines. Meanwhile, lectures are in English but subtitles are available in Ukrainian, Chinese, Turkish, Japanese, Korean, Spanis, Portuguese and Arabic. You would take courses, hands-on project and earn a certificate upon completion. Interestingly, this professional certificate is free, and it’s available now to enrol click the button below.

#5. Marketing Analytics Certificate

This professional free online business management certificate requires you to have a beginner/ intermediate knowledge of excel including SUMIFS AND COUNTIFS. However, no background in statistics is required. Basically, it equips you with knowledge on how to organize, synthesize and analyze large quantities of marketing data which is essential. Furthermore, this professional certificate will cost you a total amount of $10.44. Enroll for this certification on Udemy Online school.

#6. Product Manager Certificate

Although this professional certificate has no pre-requisites, familiarity with basic business concepts will be helpful. Actually, this certificate is for product managers who seek to take advantage of their skillset and entrepreneurs looking to master the product development process. You will undertake 13 hours of videos, activities, interviews and more to complete this course. However, this certification may be got from any reliable online school.

Free Online Business Management Certificate

There are online business certificates for entrepreneurs and sole business owners who seek more insight or understanding of basic business operations and strategies. In fact, these courses are usually free and come with printable certificates. Meanwhile, individuals who are looking for specialized skills to help them take up effective managerial roles in various organizations should take hold of this free online business management certificate. Below is a list of business management certificate courses, choose one that best suits you and enrol now.

#7. Human Resource management Discipline in organizations

This business management course is available for human resource management staff who seek ways to instill discipline in their organizations and improve employee’s performance. Meanwhile, the course is an online free course with certifications. It takes the duration study of 1-3 hours. Furthermore, this free online business management certificate is delivered in four modules. Firstly, the student is introduced to discipline within the organization. Then, the student learns how to deal with difficult employees. Secondly, the course looks into Using HRM to prevent the need for Discipline.
To apply for this click the button below.

#8. Transformational leadership

This is a business management course offered as a free online program. Also, it is five to six hours delivered in six modules. To begin this course click the button below.

#9.Change Management Guiding Principles and Practices Certificate

This is also a free online business management certificate for anyone who wants to learn the guiding principles for effective change management including communication, awareness, innovation and problem-solving. Also, this certificate covers leadership and management principles in business. In fact it helps you play an effective role within an organization that is going through a period of change by showing you how to build an effective change strategy. This certificate runs for 2-3 hours and is offered by Alison online school. To start this course click the button below.

#10. Business Fundamental Customer Engagement

.This online business management certificate is offered online by Future Learn but powered by Open University. Basically, it is 4 weeks of 3 hours of study per week. In fact, this course will teach you how to design business and marketing activities to engage the customer through relationships instead of one-off sales. However, the extra benefits attached to this certificate may be accessed by paying a token of $69. To apply clikck the button below.

#11. Intercultural Communication Certificate

.This business certificate is available on Future Learn but powered by Shanghai International Studies University (SISU). Basically, it runs for 5 weeks of 4 hours of weekly study. Although It is totally free, you can access the extra benefits attached to this course by paying $69 dollars. Also, this course is for people who engage in business across borders or cultural regions, business owners who are looking forward to expanding cal take this online course too. This course will give you a better understanding of intercultural communication and how it can help your business grow. to start this course apply here.

#12. Contract management; Building Relationships in Business Certificate

This free online course is accredited by IACCM (International Association for Contract and Commercial Management) and certified by the University of Southampton. Meanwhile, this course offers tips and insight on how to build relationships and manage contracts successfully. Also, it is a certified 3 weeks program that runs for 3 hours of weekly study. However, You can access its extra benefits for $94. Since this online course helps you understand contract management processes, gives you the confidence to develop new contracts, and contracts are fundamental to all business activities and relationships are fundamental to all contracts, please click the link below to apply.

#13. Starting a Business Certificate

This business management certificate course is offered online by Future learn but powered by the University of Leeds. However, it is available in four sub-courses which are Each of these takes a 2-week study of 2 hours of weekly study to complete. Although it is a free course, extra benefits attached to this course can be accessed for $34 dollars. This course is available for everyone who intends to run a successful business either on a professional level or as an entrepreneur. To know when the next session starts click the button below.

#14. HR Fundamentals

This free online management course is an introduction o the practice of Human resources and helps you develop the skill you need to become an HR professional. In fact, the certificate course is certified by CIPD and explores the importance of HR’s in an organization and workforce engagement and managing performance. However, this free course runs for 5 weeks and demands 3 hours of weekly study. Meanwhile, extra benefits of the curse are unlocked from $54 payment. This program is available now. To enrol click the button below.

#15. Fundamentals Of project Management Certificate

This is an entry-level certification in project management. This provides insight into the basics of project planning and management so you can work effective projects at work or in your everyday life. The program runs for 4 weeks and 2 hours weekly study is demanded to complete your course. This online certificate is awarded by The University of Virginia and available on Future Learn Online school. To understand what a project is in business, how to plan and develop a project plan and identify and assess project risks click the button below. Business management certificates are gotten upon completion of a business course. This course could be from any school that offers business management. You can also get a certificate either as a bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree.However, online schools makes it easier for you to get this from your comfort zone. Yes, free online certificates are issued by registered and accredited University. However, make sure that your online school is reliable and its certificate acceptable in your state of residence. Business management certificate is for both professionals and everyone who wants to take up a managerial role in any sector or organisation. While top business executives may get more specialized skills, teachers, architects, doctors and other experts in other fields may get this certificate to function effectively in managerial roles assigned to them in their various industries.


Excelling in the business world is hard work, nevertheless, it is just more than starting up a small scale business or chasing a business career. There a number of specialized skill set that helps you climb up the corporate ladder in a short time. However, online schools have made it absolutely possible for you to learn and work at the same time. Hence, a certificate in Business Management can go a long way in shaping your business or business career.
Getting a professional management certificate is essential if you must remain relevant in the ever-increasing business world with teeming competitors. Although it may cost you a token, it allows you to learn from your comfort zone. However, you may also check out online free Business Mangement Certificates that are available. Meanwhile, institutions and organizations are making a tremendous effort to bring information at your doorstep, you should take hold of this chance and get a certificate that propels you and positions you for better pay. 15 Online Business Management Certificates are designed by World Scholarship Forum to help you get the professional help and knowledge you desire to excel in your business career, corporate ladder and as an Entrepreneur.


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