As of today, there are a variety of useful websites put in place to help students through their life in school. There are some little things you would not have to worry about because of these websites. Little things like how to write an essay or staying awake are no longer issues for students because of these websites. The best 15 useful websites and why you need them are listed below. Keep reading.

What is a useful website for students?

A website is useful if it provides for you the information which you needed it for and makes your life a little bit easier and better. Since a websites usefulness is based primarily upon its ability to provide valuable information on your topic, there are different ways to prove that a source is useful. The website in question must provide explicit information about what you were searching for in the first place. If you finish with a website and still have to visit other websites for clarification, such website cannot be said to have been very useful to you. The website in question, to be useful, must provide explicit information about the topic. The website must show this by providing an indirect quote from the source. It must corroborate information from another source. A useful website is any website that has been put in place to help you get through a difficult time and find a solution for whatever it is that probes you. When a website has helped your life positively, it is useful.

How can I get a useful website for students?

In running a search for a useful website, you could get lost in all the websites out there. To gauge the results, you get and find your way to a useful website faster, you could do any of the following- First of all, you should try to focus on individual sites. If you have heard about the site before, or you trust that site more than others, you could always go to it to get the information you need. If there’s a particular site you want to look at or that you trust above all others, type site: followed by its main URL after the keywords you’re looking for. Google will return only results from that specific domain. Secondly, in finding a site that is useful to you, you could use advanced search tools. This entails using the small cog icon at the top right of the Google search results page. Click the icon and then choose Advanced search, and you get access to a whole host of additional parameters that will make your searches more precise and effective. Thirdly, especially if you know what you are looking for, you can run more specific searches. In doing this, you can narrow your search by putting your search terms inside quotation marks. From song lyrics to movie titles to websites for students, you can get results faster. It would also be efficient in cutting a lot of the clutter from the results page because Google knows exactly what you’re looking for. It’s particularly effective when the keywords in your search aren’t often used together.

15 Useful Websites for Students

1. Student Rate

Among all the new responsibilities as a student, budgeting may be the toughest one. This Online portal is for you as a student to use in finding the best discount and literally earning cashback on your purchases. It can range from dormouse to textbooks and even travel fares. It brings together vendors and college students who are looking out for discounts. They are 100% legit and you can get really cool stuff for cheap rates so far you are a student. Visit their website here

2. NinjaEssays

This useful website for students offers an essay writing service that provides a diverse scope of academic writing tasks and services. It is based in Ukraine and has been in business as far back as 1997. For the unique services offered, their rates are still incredibly cheap. Starting at $19.99, you can choose from three plans: Standard Quality, Premium Quality, and Platinum Quality. Rates increase depending on the urgency level so the sooner you want the paper delivered, the more expensive it will be. It’s ranked high as one of the useful websites for students. With the help of this website, you can always get your papers and assignments ready for submission. NinjaEssays assigns your projects and assignments to real experts, so you can be sure that the results will be excellent. Visit their website here

3. Koofers

Koofers is a useful website that puts together an interactive environment for students for all transactions and events in the school. Koofers’ services span the academic calendar from course selection through the final exam and include interactive flashcards, course & instructor ratings, professors’ grading histories, and an online library for sharing past exams and study materials. These services are simply to ensure that you prepare for exams more easily. In addition, you can also use Koofers to get information about job and internship openings and to get hired inadequate positions while you are still in school or even after you graduate.  Visit their website:

4. Alarmy (Sleep If U Can)

Alarmy is ranked really high amongst students. It ensures that you do not just turn off your alarm, but that you are also wide awake. It can do this by Alarmy forcing you to move to a specific location. You set it up by registering a photo of an area or room in your house. Then once the alarm is set, the only way to make it stop ringing is to get out of bed and go take a photo of the registered area. It can also have you shake your phone up to 50times to ensure you ate fully awake. If you do not do any of these, the alarm won’t go off. It ensures you wake up when you intend to. Waking up early enough not to miss an important class or waking up early enough to get in a few hours of reading is very possible with alarms. It’s annoying but will get you out of bed for sure. Visit their website here:

5. OpenStudy

OpenStudy is a social learning network set up for students to enable them to ask questions, give help and meet with other students who are studying the same things or having the same issues on a thing. The platform can help you learn more and solve issues faster than you would if you were meeting your professor or teacher manually. When you need to study hard for exams, you can access OpenStudy and become part of study groups for history, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and other courses you take. It is ranked high amongst the useful websites for students in 2022 Visit their website here

6. Sworkit

SworkIt is a workout-on-demand app that has a wide range of exercises you can do just about anywhere, with no equipment. All work and no play makes you dull. Sworkit ensures that students also get in enough exercise without actually hitting the gym. With Sworkit, you can do premade workouts, customize your own workouts, get coached through the moves, and see an example on the screen of the exercise as you’re meant to do it. When you forget about the importance of exercising, this app will remind you that there is always time for investing in your health and fitness.  Visit their website here:

7. Help.PlagTracker

This website is one of the best websites students use in checking their work for plagiarized content. You can detect plagiarism with it, fix grammar mistakes and even proofread your paper before turning it in. This website is not just limited to students, website owners and anyone else interested in protecting your writing. The website ensures that anything you write is thoroughly checked to ensure that your contents are unique. This website is easy to use as the only things you would be required to do are to upload your paper, it is scanned for plagiarism and you receive a plagiarism report. With this website, you can easily hire a professional editor to smooth out the content and start getting better grades on your academic assignments. Visit their website here:

8. Audible

When you’re too tired to read the book for your literature class, listening to an audiobook will help a lot. Now you can spend your time productively when waiting in line or taking long walks. Audible is for those who can’t read and for people who can’t read enough. Visit their website here:

9. Half

You can save a small fortune by buying and selling your textbooks online. There are other websites with a similar purpose, but Half is the easiest one to use. Half cuts costs for you and one of the nice things about using the website is that even though it benefits students, other persons who read books can also benefit from it. If you have finished from a level and you are about to go higher in class, and you are willing to sell your books, mint is a great start for you. However, to use mint, you must be signed up on eBay. Once you sign up, every other thing from there is easy. Visit their website here:

10. Mint

Mint is a personal financial management website and mobile app which aids in your personal finance. Gaining budgeting wisdom takes time and effort, but everything will go much more smoothly with the help of Mint, a free website that will categorize and organize your expenses for you. In using Mint, you would find that managing your budget and prioritizing expenses has been made very easy. You would also need to sign up to use Mint. However, you are not required to pay for these services. You would just simply input what you need and you are good to go. Visit their website here

11. InstaGrok

Instagrok makes learning so much easier and fin.  The website has a very interactive visual interface that allows you to quickly grasp important concepts, key facts and relationships. In learning on instaGrok, you would have integrated journals that allow easy note-taking or writing of research reports. At this website, you can research the topic of your interest and get a customizable concept map that will help you make the studying materials cooler. You will easily remember important information thanks to the interactive visual interface. However, you would be required to pay and sign up to use the InstaGrok services Visit their website here:

12. Studious

 This website is used to organize your busy schedule effectively and ensure you keep track of your homework or exam. With studious, you would barely ever miss exams or quizzes. It is like a to-do list, only better. Sometimes you forget to turn your phone off during classes, and that’s exactly when your parents decide to call you. It would help you avoid interrupting the class and getting on the professor’s nerves. This app would require you to sign up to get the most out of its identification features. You would not be required to pay to use it though. Visit their website here:

13. StudyBlue

StudyBlue is one of the largest crowdsourced study apps for students. This website helps you a lot by creating a study group and having you share your flashcards for free. You can also customize your study materials with images and audio. On StudyBlue, you can quiz yourself to track your progress and also set study reminders. This website can be very easily accessed with your desktop and mobile devices. No matter how much you dislike taking notes and making flashcards, the learning strategies on StudyBlue are important if you want to make your studying easier. StudyBlue enables you to make fun flashcards and take notes anywhere, anytime. It is ranked quite high amongst the useful websites for students. Visit their website here

14. SelfControl

This website ensures you stay focused to save time and lets BlockSite keep you away from other distracting websites. It is very important to stay away from distractions during studying time. This free Mac app will help you avoid Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other distracting websites. You would be required to add sites to your block list and set a period of time to block for. Once you click start, the timer starts and you would not be able to access those sites until the timer expires; even if you restart your device or delete the application. It is quite popular amongst students because it works. It is also free and once you get yourself to actually click start, you should rest assured that you have gotten rid of that distraction. It is one of the most useful websites for students in 2022. Visit their website here

15. Rate My Professor

This popular website allows students to assign ratings to professors and campuses of American, Canadian and United Kingdom. It became very popular because students found that they could very easily rate their professors according to their performance. You would be required to add your school, and the name of the professor you intend to rate. Other students can also check and find the professor and his ratings. When you are about to create your class schedule, you can check the reputation of different professors on this website. A professor who is rated very high would automatically get a higher number of students and a good level of attentiveness from them. Visit their website here No. So far as you have an internet connection, you can use any of these websites These websites listed above are very useful if you know what you want out of them. It depends on you. You know what you want. If you are a student, you should try to utilize it as much as you can. Every website has its own requirements. Figure out what is needed for you to use the website effectively. Most of these websites would benefit you more if you are a student. You can also use it for other purposes if you are not a student.


Every student needs a website that would ensure that his life at being a student is made easier. These useful websites are worth checking out because they have been said to help students in the toughest of times.

