This post provides relevant information about EPHA-OSF Roma Health Fellowship Program 2022 and how you can apply. You can also scroll the table of contents below to get an insight into all this program entails.
About the EPHA-OSF Roma Health Fellowship Program
The program provides tailored technical assistance for two Roma health advocates on EU Health Advocacy. The tailored assistance will include mentoring and training component on the key EU health processes. It will also facilitate establishing partnerships and potential collaborations with relevant EU actors. Fellowship action will add to EPHA’s engagement with the European Framework of the National Roma Integration Strategies (NRIS) and Fellows are expected to work on the national strategy of their home country, by making analyses and contributing shadow reporting activities. The Fellowship will be mainly via electronic communication between the fellow and EPHA staff. The programme requires approximately two days’ engagement per month and 5 visits to Brussels: three days per visit, including coverage of travel and accommodation costs and a per diem to cover necessary costs for the visit. The aim is to develop the following skills and knowledge:
An understanding of the EU decision making and consultation processes with a focus on health actors within the EU institutions;Improved policy analysis and policy drafting skills, including policy recommendations for decision makers;Building alliances with various organisations operating in social and health sectors;Improved presentation and public speaking skills via face-to-face meetings with EU decision makers.
Level:/Field of Study
This is a Fellowship program that focuses on health area.
Please note, this position is voluntary and does not offer financial remuneration (apart from coverage of necessary costs). The Fellowship program provides financial support for travel, accommodation, and per-diem related costs within the program’s term. The concept of the Fellowship is that it is complementary to the ongoing employment/studies of the Fellows. The Roma Health Fellows will be coordinated by the EPHA Roma Health and ECD project manager and will have a senior EPHA staff member as their personal mentor for their professional development.
Fluency in English, written and spoken;Active in civil society sector on Roma health, health-related rights or social issues for a minimum of two years professional or voluntary experience;University degree or equivalent experience;Excellent written and oral communication and strong analytical skills;Ability to work independently and at distance;Creative mindset, strong motivation and initiative.
EPHA-OSF Roma Health Fellowship Program Application
Please send your CV (maximum 2 pages, without any photo), your personal motivation letter (maximum 1 page) explaining your interest and a cover letter(written by the organisation where you are currently working elaborating on how your organization could benefit from this experience).If not currently employed please provide a reference letter from your past employer or from a university professor. It is of particular interest for us to see how you are already committed to work on Roma health issues and how this Fellowship could further your experience.
Send your application to with “Roma Health Fellowship Program- application” in the subject line deadline: February 28, 2022 For more information, visit EPHA-OSF Roma Health Fellowship.