Hence, they have scholarships for students at various levels. The question now is how can I apply for and win the Mastercard Foundation Scholarships in 2022? You would agree with the popular saying that “There is no knowledge that is not power, a lot of people in today’s world go about the right things wrongly, wondering while the expected end is never the result which they get. If you asked me, I will certainly tell you that oftentimes the problem is in the quality of information they have at their disposal about what they are doing, for it is not what you know that stands you out but how much of what you know. As a one time winner of the MASTERCARD FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP, I have often seen applicants complain as to why they are not able to go through with their application for this scholarship, let alone, winning the scholarship. To that effect, I bring you, all that was done to win this scholarship in what I call, 7 Ways to Apply and Win MasterCard Foundation Scholarship.

About MasterCard Foundation

The MasterCard Foundation is one foundation that seeks a world where everyone has the opportunity to learn and prosper, With the belief that all people, no matter their starting point in life, should have an equal chance to succeed. This foundation believes also that, with access to education, financial services, and skills training, people can have that chance to live up their dreams. Their mission is to advance education and financial inclusion to catalyze prosperity in developing countries.

What does the MasterCard Foundation do?

The MasterCard Foundation is a private foundation headquartered in Toronto, Canada. Our work advances youth learning and promotes financial inclusion to catalyze prosperity in developing countries, with a specific focus on Africa. These charitable purposes — education and financial inclusion — define the work we are able to do.

Scholars program 

MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program provides access to secondary and higher education for young people who are committed to giving back to their communities. This Scholars Program is implemented through MasterCard foundation partner universities and NGOs that serve young people from vulnerable backgrounds. The application process and decision-making are managed individually by each partner in the Program.  Students considered for the Program must be academically strong and have demonstrated a commitment to making a difference in the lives of others. Having said all of the above, lets now go to  the 7 ways to win this scholarship

Carry out your research about the scholarship and eligibility:

The research one has to carry out in the course of applying for the MasterCard Foundation scholarship can be explained as going as far as possible to equip yourself with all the necessary information as it relates to the scholarship program. This might involve your going to the scholarship providers website to source for concrete and updated information concerning the scholarships ranging from the possible scholarships awards available to eligibility criteria, requirements, deadlines, and other application instructions.

Select partner institutions and program to apply

The MasterCard foundation scholars program is usually implemented through their partner universities and NGOs that serve young people from vulnerable backgrounds. While there is no limit on the number of schools you can apply to, it is important to note that it takes much effort to prepare a proper and complete application package. The application process and decision-making are managed individually by each partner in the Program. (To see a list of MasterCard foundation Partners click here.)

Prepare necessary documents to submit

Each partner requires different types of documents as part of the application process. Failing to submit a document on time will result in an incomplete application and it will, unfortunately, not be considered for entry to the Program. This means as an applicant for this scholarship, having made your decision with respect to the Partner university of your interest, also ensure that all the documents mentioned for the scholarship by the university are already secured and ready for submission.

Take all the required test on time before you apply (If applicable)

Partner Universities of MasterCard Foundation scholars program usually have a presentation of proficiency test results as part of their admission requirements into the university, in this light, it is safe to ensure that applicants take the required tests on time before starting your application. Before being considered for the MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program, every applicant must first meet the admissions requirements of the university. For some partners, tests like SAT and/or TOEFL or IELTS are part of the standard requirements for all international students. Other university partners do not require these to be completed.

Ask for references:

Most universities will require recommendation letters from an applicant’s referees. Before you apply, ask someone who knows you well to support you with this step (e.g., your teacher, mentor, employer or community leader). Some universities will require the recommendation to be submitted online. In this case, it is the applicant’s responsibility to follow up with his/her referees about the online submission. This is more like a step taken by the universities to ensure that their prospective student is a person of good repute, worthy character and would make a good Ambassador both for the scholarship sponsor and the partner universities.

Apply on time

A stitch in time, they say saves Nine, it is in this regard that I would say that most of the scholarships on this platform often has scholarship deadline, so it will be wise to send in your applications as early as possible before the stated deadline or even earlier, Reason being that, applicants can never be too sure on the factors that affect the short-listing process.

Be enthusiastic

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said that “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm” and so I tell u too that there is nothing wrong with being eager about getting the scholarship, as a matter of fact, from personal experience, I can say confidently that eagerly pursuing this scholarship was the key reason why I got it as at when I did. Also, if you would love to explore more information, you can See This.

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