First aid is the initial assistance or support that is given to someone injured or unwell before the arrival of professional medical help. First aid skills help you to preserve life, prevent health issues from getting worse and promote recovery. No first aid training is complete without proper CPR training. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a crucial skill to have in case of an emergency and one would benefit greatly from acquiring this training, even if one is not interested in working at any of the CPR and first aid support systems. CPR pieces of training help you to know what to do if an infant is choking, how to give the Heimlich, how to help an epileptic patient, etc. Getting CPR training is, therefore, a responsible thing to do.

Can you get Red Cross CPR certified online?

Yes, you can get a red cross CPR certification online. The American Red Cross which happens to be a recognized authority does not only offer courses on-site, they also offer online courses. As a matter of fact, several online platforms offer red cross CPR certifications. If you have doubts concerning the possibility of getting your CPR first aid certification online, I implore you to carry out your research and take advantage of one of the available online facets. Let me use this opportunity to explain simple and quick ways for you to get Red Cross CPR certified online

Be willing to learn

The desire and willingness to learn the course is what helps you to be intentional about getting the certification despite the learning inconveniences on the way.

Get a phone, tablet, or computer

A phone or computer is what gives you access to the online world. Therefore, getting a phone is the first step towards getting certified online.

Good network connection

Internet helps you to connect with online platforms all over the world and exposes you to their bank of information and knowledge.

Search for online Red Cross platforms

Go ahead to search for authentic online platforms where you can get CPR certification, and do not ignore reviews.


Enroll in your desired course, and follow through with it. 

 Take your tests

Passing an online CPR test or examination may not be very tough, because there is no practical involved. So study well, and take your test at your own pace.

Get your certification

This is the last stage in procuring an online CPR certification. A digital form of the certificate will be sent to you after completing your course.

Are Online CPR Certifications Valid?

Online CPR certifications are valid, however, if you are looking at getting a job, the validity of an online certification depends on the employer. A lot of employers often doubt the authenticity of online CPR certifications because there are lots of uncertified platforms offering online certifications.   So, those who acquire these certifications online may not have gone through pieces of training that comply with the standards of certified agencies. However, some employers will still go on to employ individuals who have indicated that they are “CPR certified” regardless of whether the certification was acquired through online training or in-person training.  It is safe to say that the validation of online CPR certifications is dependent on the employer’s point of view.

How can I get CPR certified online?

Several online platforms offer red cross CPR certifications, getting an online course gives you the privilege of learning at your own pace and it is easily accessible. Here are steps to follow if you are interested in getting CPR first aid certification online

Step 1: Get a phone or computer

A phone or computer is what gives you access to the online world. Therefore, getting a phone is the first step towards getting certified online.

Step 2: Get a steady internet connection

Internet helps you to connect with online platforms all over the world and exposes you to their bank of information and knowledge.

Step 3: Find an authorized online platform

You are likely to find a thousand and one online companies which claim to offer certifications online, however, the majority of them may not be recognized, approved, or authorized by the American Heart Association(AHA) and other certifying agencies, etc. So, before applying and paying for an online CPR certification, you must do your research, watch out for reviews, land a list of authorized companies and make your choice. a. Sign up for the course Having found the right platform for your online certification, you should follow the signing-up procedures. When you sign up, your name is automatically added to the list of those who will be getting certified. This step confirms your willingness to purchase the course. After making up your mind, the next step in getting your online CPR first aid certification is by signing up for the course. b. Register The registration phase is beyond mere willingness or desire to get a certification. When you register for a course, you just sealed an agreement to get that course. c. Take lessons Before getting a certification, be it online or in-person, it is only normal that you study the information compiled or arranged as lessons to get you equipped with the necessary knowledge in line with the program. The proper study prepares you for tests or exams that would determine whether you are capable of holding a certification or not. d. Pass your tests Passing an online CPR test or examination may not be very tough, because there is no practical involved. Nevertheless, the good performance makes it possible for you to get certified. e. Pay your fee Some online platforms offer certifications for free, so you don’t have to pay any fee, some platforms demand that you pay your fee after taking the exam, while some prefer making payment before taking the exam. If you find yourself in a platform that allows you to pay your fee before or after your exams, pay up, and get your CPR and first aid certification. f. Get your certification  This is the last stage in procuring an online CPR certification. Certification may not be strongly required especially if you are only interested in passing through the training voluntarily. However, you may want to get a certification attached to your resume indicating that you are a certified CPR professional, and this could positively affect your resume.

How do I get my American Red Cross CPR Certification?

The American Red Cross training is available online or in-site, and regardless of the type of course you offer, you can gain basic knowledge on what to do in the event of an emergency from the American Red Cross. Below are simple steps on how you can get your American Red Cross Certificate

Step 1: Get a computer or phone

A phone or computer brings information to your fingertips. Therefore, getting a phone is the first step towards getting your American Red Cross CPR certifications.

Step 2: Get a stable network connection

There is a saying that internet that “Internet is life”. Internet helps you to connect with online platforms all over the world and exposes you to their bank of information and knowledge. Step 3: Visit the website of the American Red Cross You will find information and reviews on their website, from courses, duration, and other stipulations as far as the certification is concerned. Step 4: Visit the learning/training center If you want to go for the direct also known as the in-person training, you should visit the learning center, identify your class and trainers and handle paper works if you have to.

Step 5: Enroll for their CPR certification

Enrolling signifies that you are ready to take the course and do the needful in the American Red Cross CPR certification.

Step 6: Take lessons

Before getting a certification, be it online or in-person, it is only normal that you study the information compiled or arranged as lessons to get you equipped with the necessary knowledge in line with the program. The proper study prepares you for tests or exams that would determine whether you are capable of holding a certification or not.

Step 7: Take the exams

When it comes to the American Red Cross CPR certifications, you should be prepared for very good practice sessions.For

Step 8: Get certification

Once your course has been completed, your digital certification will be wired to you. This is the result of every single effort you have invested in the training. Your certification is proof that you have successfully perfected the training and that you are a qualified CPR and first aid specialist.

How long are American Red Cross CPR Certifications good for?

American Red Cross certifications are valid for 2 years, and in the event of expiration, professionals can apply for recertification.

Where can I get CPR and Lifeguard Certifications?

Professionals in the Red Cross offer CPR and lifeguarding courses to participants with safety skills in and around the water. Participants who want to pursue certifications in this discipline can go on to acquire Lifeguard certifications in the American Red Cross.

What are the top CPR Certifications for American Red Cross in 2022?

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is an essential life-saving skill and basic life support skill that many individuals learn just so they can help themselves and others around them, however, some people seem to develop an intense interest in this discipline. If you happen to be interested in stepping up your game by becoming CPR certified, here are the best  CPR certifications that you can obtain. CPR certification is proof that you have been properly grounded with the right skill to give CPR and life support skills to those who need it. Sometimes, employers require that employees take a CPR and first aid course to ensure maximum workplace safety. It is also important to state that those who have been certified online by a nationally recognized foundation enjoy the same benefits as their peers who earned their certification through in-person training.  Read further to know about the top CPR certifications.

#1. ExpertRating

Under the guidelines provided by the American Heart Association, the CPR certification offered by Expert rating is an online course designed to acquaint beginners with significant CPR techniques. This certification covers topics across how to perform CPR on infants, adults, teenagers and children, Heimlich Maneuver, etc. With only $30, you can get a CPR and first aid certification from Expertrating.

#2. America Health and Safety Institute

Health and Safety Institute offers a CPR certification after the successful completion of a short course and exam. This course empowers individuals with not only the basics of CPR but also teaches people how to respond and handle complex situations like recognizing a cardiac arrest, a professional approach to CPR, legal understanding among others. People who hold this certificate have basic knowledge of CPR and they are capable of coming saving lives in the event of health incidents. After completing this online course, you will be granted an online certificate, however, chances are that you can get a physical completion card after meeting up with specific conditions including a practical session supervised by a professional body.

#3. ProTrainings

Protraining is a nationally accredited online course designed to equip people who are not interested in taking up professional positions with these skills. If you are armoredwith professional training as crucial as this, there’s a high chance of you saving a baby from choking, an elderly man from a heart attack by volunteering to save lives. Time and location are never a barrier when it comes to getting this certification as it is an online certification and there is no deadline for the days you can access this course after buying it.

#4. National CPR Foundation

This certification class offers a complete course that educates you on the basics of CPR and how the right technique for Automated External Defibrillator (AED). This course adequately fills individuals in on legal standing and maintaining composure in the case of an emergency. With less than $13 you can grab this best CPR certification and add colors to your resume.

#5. American Red Cross

The American Red Cross is recognized as an authority in healthcare. The online course offered by the Red Cross disseminates reasons and ways through which different kinds of first aid can be carried on. Those who seek certifications in the American Red Cross are allowed to actively partake in real-life situations even though the program also takes place online.

#6. Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Certification

This platform is an approved training platform where medical professionals like doctors, paramedics, and nurses can take accredited advanced life support courses and earn a certification at the end of the program. ACLS is one of the best certifications for the red cross. This certification signifies that an individual has undergone training in compliance with the AHA standards. Professionals who hold this certification are likely to get picked over their peers who do not have this certification.

#7. Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Certification

For the past 50 years, the EMS has been around the corner, providing urgent CPR and First aid treatment to injured individuals. EMS plays an important role in ensuring that care and medical support are swiftly dispatched to emergency stations. After establishing a root in most developed countries, this training center started providing CPR and first aid certifications to those interested in serving in the emergency care unit after taking courses and hands-on training. No first aid training is complete without proper CPR training. CPR is a crucial skill to have in case of an emergency and one would benefit greatly from acquiring this skill, even if one never ends up using it. The good thing about the CPR courses that have been mentioned is that they cover more topics in addition to CPR, such as how to recognize health emergencies, what to do if an infant is choking, how to give the Heimlich, etc. Getting a CPR certification is, therefore, the responsible thing to do.


Every day infants, teens, and adults die from common incidents like shocks, drowning, slumps, choking, etc, their deaths could have been easily avoided if a first aider or life guarder was around the corner.  When you learn basic life support you are giving back to society, and moving on to get certified signifies that you are deeply inclined to alleviating pain and suffering. The good thing about the CPR certifications that have been mentioned in this post is that they cover courses on basic life support, and they are all certified by the American Heart Association, which is one of the top certifying agencies. Learning, volunteering, or working as a first aider or CPR specialist is one of the best decisions you can make, so ahead to put this information to good use.

