The problem is that you’re a complete beginner when it comes to data science. You’ve probably heard the term before, and you may even know someone who works in the field. Even if you aren’t interested in pursuing a career in data science, there are some data science skills that are useful to have (and on your resume). Online classes can be a great way to learn about the important stuff quickly (and on your own time), from technical skills like Python or SQL to data analysis and machine learning. However, you may need to make a financial investment to acquire the actual deal. Below, we’ve listed out the Best Online Data Science Courses to take in 2023.

What is Data Science?

According to Oracle, Data science combines multiple fields, including statistics, scientific methods, artificial intelligence (AI), and data analysis, to extract value from data.  Data scientists are individuals that use a variety of talents to analyze data acquired from the web, smartphones, customers, sensors, and other sources in order to generate actionable insights. Data science refers to cleansing, aggregating, and changing data to undertake advanced data analysis. Analytic applications and data scientists can then review the results to uncover patterns and enable company leaders to make informed decisions.

How Important is Data Science?

Data science is a rapidly growing field, but it is still in its infancy, according to industry experts. Data science is important because it produces enchantment and lessens the terrors of uncertainty for businesses. Industries require data science and data to assist them in making intelligent decisions. Raw data is churned into valuable insights via data science. As a result, a trained Data Scientist will extract useful information from whatever data he encounters. He assists the company in making the proper decisions. He is a master at making solid data-driven decisions, which the company requires.

Can I Learn Data Science Course Online?

Yes, you can learn data science online from Coursera, Codecademy, Metis, Harvard, Alison, edX, Udemy, and Skillshare, among other e-learning platforms. These websites provide the greatest online data science courses. Online classes can be a great way to quickly (and on your own time) learn about the good stuff, from technical skills like Python or SQL to basic data analysis and machine learning. That said, you may need to invest to get the real deal. So, if you devote enough time to the online classes, you can achieve basic or practical expertise. Furthermore, the amount of time you devote to learning data science determines how quickly you learn the course.

How Long Does It Take To Learn Data Science Courses Online?

Data Science is a skill set that combines a variety of technologies and techniques. As a result, mastering every ability takes years. It takes 35 weeks, or 245 days, to learn Data Science at an intermediate level. You can follow this learning path to learn Data Science Online Courses by Intellipaat: 

Excel and MS SQL (5 Weeks or 35 days)  Data Science with R (5 Weeks or 35 days) Python for Data Science, Machine learning, Statistics (4 weeks or 28 days) Apache Spark and Scala, Mongo DB, MS SQL (8 weeks or 48 days) Deep learning (6 weeks or 42 days) Tableau (6 weeks or 42 days) SAS (4 weeks or 28 days)

In general, you can learn Data Science fundamentals in approximately 6 – 9 months by committing 6 – 7 hours a day.

Best Online Data Science Courses to take in 2023

Here is the list of online data science courses to take

#1. Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp

Cost: ₦3,900 Are you ready to begin your career as a Data Scientist? This thorough course will teach you how to leverage Python’s capabilities to analyze data, produce stunning visualizations, and implement sophisticated machine learning algorithms. It’s also appropriate for beginners with some programming expertise and experienced developers who want to move into Data Science. This course is designed for those who have some programming expertise. It’s also one of the best data science courses available online. Enroll Here

#2. The Data Science Course 2023: Complete Data Science Bootcamp

Cost: ₦3,900 One of the best-suited careers for this century is data science. It’s digital, programming-based, and data-driven. As a result, it’s no surprise that demand for data scientists has been increasing in recent years. However, there has been a scarcity of supplies. Acquiring the skills required to work as a data scientist is difficult. And how are you going to do it? Most online courses concentrate on a single topic, making it difficult to see how the skill they teach fits into the bigger picture. Data science is an interdisciplinary field, which provides a solution. It covers a wide range of topics, including:

Understanding of the data science field and the type of analysis carried out Mathematics Statistics Python Applying advanced statistical techniques in Python Data Visualization and Machine Learning

Furthermore, you will learn how to code in Python and how to use it for statistical analysis. And you will understand the mathematics behind Machine Learning. Enroll Here Read this: Best Machine Learning Course Online For Beginners In 2023

#3. R Programming A-Z

Cost: ₦3,500 There are many R courses and lectures available online. R has a steep learning curve, and trainees frequently become overwhelmed. This course is unique! This is a true step-by-step course. Every subsequent tutorial builds on what we’ve already learned and takes us one step further. After each video, you’ll discover a new useful topic that you can put into practice right away. The finest thing is that you learn by watching real-life examples. This course is jam-packed with real-world analytical problems that you will learn to answer. Some of these will be solved together, while it will assign others as homework. In conclusion, this course has been intended for students of all skill levels, and you will succeed even if you have no programming or statistical experience. It’s also one of the best online data science courses to take. Enroll Here

#4. Data Science A-Z

Cost: ₦4,500 This isn’t one of those fluff classes where everything goes as planned and your training goes without a hitch. It will throw you into the deep end with this training. This course will expose you to all the PAIN that a Data Scientist faces daily. You name it: erroneous data, anomalies, and irregularities. This course will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the Data Science process. After finishing this course, you will be able to:

How to clean and prepare your data for analysis How to perform basic visualization of your data Also, how to model your data How to curve-fit your data Finally, how to communicate your findings in a way that impresses the audience.

In addition, this is one of the best online data science courses to take. Enroll Here

#5. Statistics for Data Science and Business Analysis

Cost: ₦4,500 Is statistics important in the industry you wish to work in? Are you interested in working as a Marketing Analyst, Business Intelligence Analyst, Data Analyst, or Data Scientist? Then you’ve come to the perfect spot! This is where you should begin. And it’s an excellent start! You will quickly learn the core skills needed to comprehend complex statistical analysis that directly applies to real-life scenarios. You’ll also learn how to calculate central tendency, asymmetry, and variability, conduct hypothesis testing, make data-driven judgments, and comprehend regression analysis mechanics. Enroll Here

#6. Machine Learning, Data Science and Deep Learning with Python

Cost: ₦3,900 This course will teach you the techniques used by professional data scientists and machine learning practitioners in the tech industry – and prepare you for a move into this hot career field if you have any programming or scripting experience. In addition, you’ll learn how to use Tensorflow and Keras to create artificial neural networks, how to use deep learning to identify images, data, and sentiments, and how to create a Pac-Man bot in this course. Also, this is one of the best online data science courses to take. Enroll Here

#7. Python A-Z

Cost: ₦3,500 There are numerous Python courses and lectures available online. Python has a steep learning curve, and trainees frequently become overwhelmed. This course is unique! This is a true step-by-step course. Every subsequent tutorial builds on what we’ve already learned and takes us one step further. Furthermore, you will study the fundamentals of programming, how to program in Python at a high level, and how to code in Jupiter Notebooks in this course. In conclusion, this course has been intended for students of all skill levels, and you will succeed even if you have no programming or statistical experience. Enroll Here

#8. Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp with R

Cost: ₦4,900 Data Science is a fulfilling career that allows you to work on some of the most interesting challenges in the world! This course is for complete novices with no programming knowledge and experienced developers who want to move into Data Science! This course will teach you how to use R to work with csv, excel, SQL, and web scraping files, as well as how to make Data Visualizations, program in R, and generate Data Visualizations. Also, this is one of the best online data science courses to take. Enroll Here

#9. Data Science: Supervised Machine Learning in Python

Cost: ₦6,500 Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have enjoyed a renaissance in recent years. Machine learning has produced some incredible outcomes, such as the ability to evaluate medical images and predict diseases on par with human specialists. This course will teach you how to comprehend and use K-Nearest Neighbors in Python, as well as how to use hyperparameters and cross-validation. Enroll Here

#10. Introduction to Machine Learning for Data Science

Cost: ₦3,200 The lecturer will lead you through the wilderness of Machine Learning for Data Science in this beginning course. This basic course, which is open to the public, not only discusses Machine Learning, but also where it fits in the “techno sphere around us,” why it’s vital now, and how it will significantly affect our world today and in the future. You’ll also learn how to determine which problems Machine Learning can address and how the Machine Learning Process operates. How to avoid issues with Machine Learning and execute it successfully without losing your head. In addition, this is one of the best online data science courses to take. Enroll Here

#11. Data Science: Deep Learning and Neural Networks in Python

Cost: ₦3,200 This course will teach you how to use deep learning techniques to create your first artificial neural network. If you want to start your journey toward being a deep learning expert, or if you’re interested in machine learning and data science you should take this course. You will also learn how to code a neural network from scratch in Python and NumPy, as well as how to design a neural network from fundamental building parts (the neuron). Enroll Here

#12. R Programming: Advanced Analytics In R For Data Science

Cost: ₦4,500 Are you prepared to increase your R programming abilities? Do you wish to become a true R expert in Data Science and Analytics? Then this is the course for you. This course will teach you how to:

Using R to prepare data for analysis In R, how to use the median imputation approach Also, in R, how to work with dates and times. What are lists and how do you use them? How to use apply-type functions to nest your own functions.

The more you learn, the more proficient you will become. You will leave the session with a solid set of skills to use in your Data Science career. Enroll Here Also, you can check this: Best Free Javascript Online courses to take in 2023

#13. Intro to Data Science: Your Step-by-Step Guide To Starting

Cost: ₦3,500 There is a huge demand for Data Scientists. In this course, you’ll learn how you may help meet this demand while also establishing a long and prosperous career for yourself. The course’s primary purpose is to provide you with all the knowledge you’ll need to become a Data Scientist who can start working tomorrow… or within 6 weeks. You will study the whole data science process, visualizations for data mining and presentation, an overview of statistical learning, and more in this course. In addition, this is one of the best online data science courses to take. Enroll Here

#14. Complete 2023 Data Science & Machine Learning Bootcamp

Cost: ₦4,500 Welcome to the Complete Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp, the one-stop shop for learning Python and getting started with data science. This is one of the best data science courses available online. You’ll also learn how to create a portfolio of data science projects in order to apply for jobs in the field. Enroll Here

#15. SQL & Database Design A-Z

Cost: ₦4,200 Do you want to work in data science or data analytics? In such a situation, you will unavoidably come across databases in your work. However, how do you work with databases? The solution is simple: SQL SQL stands for Structured Query Language, and it is one of the most common tools for organizing databases, entering data, and extracting data on demand. In this course, you’ll learn how to write queries in PostgreSQL, a popular SQL variant. Even if you use a different variety at work (for example, Oracle, SQL Server, or MySQL), the techniques you gain in this course will be easily transportable. In addition, this course is one of the best online data science courses to take. Enroll Here


Data science is a huge, fascinating, and rewarding field to learn about and participate in. To become an excellent data scientist that firms want to recruit, you’ll need a wide range of abilities, a broad range of knowledge, and a passion for data, and it’ll take longer than the hyped-up YouTube videos say. Check out the Top Machine Learning Courses for 2023 as a supplement to this article if you’re more interested in the machine learning aspect of data science. Also, if you’re new to Python programming, take a look at Best Python Courses.


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