So, if attending one of the best universities in Uganda is a top priority for you, you are definitely in the right place.
Here, we have compiled the best universities and top colleges in Uganda where you can study in 2022.
Currently, tertiary education in Uganda has encountered many improvements and developments compared to other tertiary institutions in other African countries.
Even though most Ugandan universities are not set on the international platform responsible for ranking best universities, that has not stopped the higher institutions in Uganda as they have set out a niche for themselves and have gone ahead in the higher institution rankings.
So, this article has been carefully written to make your study in Uganda plan a reality. Here, you will get vital information on the best universities in Uganda to study in 2022. Also, you will get more reasons on why you should choose Uganda.
Why Study In Uganda?
Uganda, officially the Republic of Uganda is a landlocked country in East-Central Africa. It is bordered to the east by Kenya, to the north by South Sudan, to the west by the Democratic Republic of the Congo, to the south-west by Rwanda, and to the south by Tanzania. One reason why you should study here is that Uganda is a beautiful country with very friendly people. Also, a good percentage of the total population is literate. According to Wikipedia, Uganda had a literacy rate of 66.8 percent (76.8 percent male and 57.7 percent female) during the 2002 census. Secondly, just like other African countries, Uganda has one of the most affordable education in the world in terms of tuition. It also has adequate resources in terms of manpower and infrastructure to offer quality education. Thirdly, if you love tourism then, you will definitely enjoy studying in Uganda as the country has one of the most beautiful landscapes in the world. The spectacular Lake Victoria is a key tourist attraction to the country. Victoria is the largest lake in Africa, and also the largest tropical lake in the world, named for the British monarch. In addition, the country provides a safe and conducive environment for studying. Also, according to Fortune of Africa, Ugandan institutions of learning are unique in catering to special-needs students.
Other Reasons Why You Should Study In Uganda
Still, stuck with your preparation to go study in Uganda? Then, see the Best Study Abroad Packing List in 2022
How many Universities are there in Uganda?
According to Wikipedia, there are 57 Ugandan higher-education institutions. These include 11 public universities, 39 private universities (including religious-affiliated universities), 4 Ugandan military universities, and 3 other accredited degree-awarding institutions.
How Does the Islamic University in Uganda Operate?
Founded in 1988, the Islamic University in Uganda is one of the religious affiliate institutions in the country. It was established by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) under a bilateral agreement between the Government of Uganda (GOU) and the OIC.
Basically, the university works with the vision, “to be a leading international center of educational excellence for societal development”.
Initially, IUIU started with 80 students and two-degree programs. Now, it offers 72 programs in 7 Faculties and has a student population of 8,638 coming from 21 different countries.
So far, the Islamic University in Uganda has graduated 25,000 students from various disciplines. Also, the University has a center for Postgraduate Studies and four campuses including the main Campus in Mbale.
In addition, IUIU employs over 600 fulltime members of staff from 8 countries, and about 300 on a part-time basis.
How much does it Cost to Attend a University in Uganda?
Generally, Uganda is an average and affordable country in terms of expenditure and cost of living. However, the cost of living in Uganda varies per student and the selected course which the student has decided to pursue. For students studying in public universities, they will be spending way below $4500 for both the costs of study and living during the course of their study. On the other hand, from StudyAbroad Universities’ report, the cost spent on privately run higher education institutions varies somewhere between $4500-$5000 (Shs16,592,292-Shs18,435,880 ) depending upon the courses.
Cost of Study In Uganda
Here are some important points from Observers Uganda:
What Are The Best Universities In Uganda To Study In 2022?
To effectively rank the best universities and colleges in Uganda, we used the following factors. For your degree to count, it’s of essence you attend an accredited college or university. In line with this, the accreditation of each Ugandan university counts in making it one of the best or top schools you should attend. This specifically means the number of schools, faculties or colleges in the school. The research areas consist of the various departments and programs offered in the school. This takes cognizance of the recognition given to the school by various ranking bodies. Here is a list of the 10 best universities and colleges to study in Uganda, 2022:
#1 Makerere University
Founded in 1922, Makerere University is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the urban setting of the large city of Kampala, Central Region. It is the largest and oldest institution of higher learning and was first established as a technical school. Currently, the school has grown in size as it now offers courses in medical care, agriculture, veterinary sciences, and teacher training. Makerere University is a research-led institution and boasts partnerships with government, industry and other universities. It also prides itself on the work it does towards securing gender equality. Basically, the university is composed of three campuses, nine colleges and one school where it offers evening and external study programs. It has a student body of about 36,000 undergraduates and 4,000 postgraduates. Furthermore, Makerere University is officially accredited by the Uganda National Council for Higher Education (UNCHE). It currently occupies #1 position in UniRank’s 2020 Ugandan University Ranking. Also check out these National Scholarships at Higher Education Student Financing Board, Uganda
#2 Uganda Christian University
Founded in 1997 by the Church of Uganda, Uganda Christian University (UCU) is an authentic Christian institution. It was established in response to a call for quality university education with a Christian perspective. In 2004, UCU became the first private university to be accredited by the government of Uganda. Basically, UCU is composed of 5 campuses and regional colleges, 6 faculties and 3 schools. It offers over 70 diploma, bachelor’s, masters and Ph.D. programs which are designed to develop a cadre of professionals with integrity, power of critical inquiry, logical thought and independent judgment with a Christian perspective. It has over 13,000 students and boasts of about 169,000 alumni spread across the globe. Furthermore, Uganda Christian University (UCU) is officially accredited by the Uganda National Council for Higher Education (UNCHE). It currently occupies #2 position in UniRank’s 2022 Ugandan University Ranking.
#3. Mbarara University of Science and Technology
Founded in 1989, Mbarara University of Science and Technology is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the suburban setting of the large town of Mbarara, Western Region.
The university started with a pioneer Faculty of Medicine with a major aim of establishing the university was to bridge the gap of health professionals in the country. Then, it offered only the degree of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB).
However, the university continued to grow and now has 2 campuses with 6 new faculties and institutes added to the already existing medical faculty. These faculties and institutes include:
Furthermore, Mbarara University of Science and Technology is officially accredited by the Uganda National Council for Higher Education (UNCHE). It currently occupies #3 position in UniRank’s 2020 Ugandan University Ranking.
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#4 Kampala International University
Founded in 2001, Kampala International University (KIU) is a non-profit private higher education institution located in the urban setting of the large city of Kampala, Central Region. It started as a typical degree-awarding institution and has now grown into the number one Private University in Uganda.
Basically, KIU has a goal of raising the next generation of problem-solvers for the East African region and indeed the whole of Africa. Therefore, in pursuit of this dream, the University operates a multi-campus system which consists of two campuses in Uganda (The Main campus in Kampala and the Western Campus in Ishaka-Bushenyi); one other university in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, while a third one is being developed in Nairobi Kenya.
Kampala International University has about 14 faculties and colleges distributed in the main and western campuses. The school also has a wide offering of certificate, diploma, bachelor’s and master’s programs suitable for you at any point in your career.
Furthermore, Kampala International University is officially accredited by the Uganda National Council for Higher Education (UNCHE). It currently occupies #4 position in UniRank’s 2022 Ugandan University Ranking.
#5 Kyambogo University
Founded in 2003, Kyambogo University (KYU) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the urban setting of the large city of Kampala, Central Region. It is a merger of the former Uganda Polytechnic Kyambogo (UPK), the Institute of Teacher Education, Kyambogo (ITEK), and the Uganda National Institute of Special Education (UNISE). It is one of the largest public Universities in Uganda with well established academic programs and facilities, and over 100 affiliate institutions all over Uganda. KYU was basically established with the main aim of promoting and advancing knowledge and development of skills in Science, Technology, and Education and such other fields having regard for quality, equity, progress and transformation of society. With 6 faculties and 2 schools, Kyambogo University offers programs ranging from Vocational Studies, Sciences, Social Sciences, Education, Business and Engineering. Furthermore, Kyambogo University is officially accredited by the Uganda National Council for Higher Education (UNCHE). It currently occupies #5 position in UniRank’s 2022 Ugandan University Ranking.
#6 Uganda Martyrs University
Founded in 1989, Uganda Martyrs University (UMU) is a private higher education institution located in the rural setting of the large city of Kampala, Central Region. UMU is a faith-based private University owned by the Episcopal Conference of the Catholic Bishops of Uganda.
Uganda Martyrs University is basically known as a university of excellence and quality that makes a difference in the lives of those who come in contact with it.
It offers various undergraduate and postgraduate programs through 6 faculties, 2 schools, and 2 institutes. Also, these programs have full-time, part-time, evening, distance learning, and holiday options.
Furthermore, Uganda Martyrs University is officially accredited by the Uganda National Council for Higher Education (UNCHE). It currently occupies #6 position in UniRank’s 2022 Ugandan University Ranking.
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#7. Uganda Technology and Management University
Founded in 2012, Uganda Technology and Management University (UTAMU) is a private higher education institution located in the urban setting of the large city of Kampala, Central Region. It is licensed by UNCHE to do teaching, research and community engagement. Basically, UTAMU offers experiential and outstanding learning and teaching for 21st Century students through an enriched learning experience that blends face to face and virtual learning. Currently, UTAMU offers 42 academic programs through its three schools. They include the School of Computing and Engineering, School of Business and Management and School of Professional Skills and Vocational Education. Presently, UTAMU has a student population of about 1000 students offering different programs. Furthermore, Uganda Technology and Management University is officially accredited by the Uganda National Council for Higher Education (UNCHE). It currently occupies #7 position in UniRank’s 2022 Ugandan University Ranking.
#8. Busitema University
Founded in 2007, Busitema University is a non-profit public higher education institution located in Busitema, Eastern Region, Uganda. The main campus is at Busitema and other 6 campuses at Nagongera, Namasagali, Arapai, Mbale, Pallisa, and Kaliro. Basically, Busitema University focuses on relevant and critical study programs in Engineering, Science Education, Health Sciences, Natural Resources, and Environmental Sciences, Agriculture and Animal Sciences, Management Sciences and Vocational Education. Initially, Busitema University started with two operational campuses; Busitema Campus focusing on Engineering and Technology disciplines and Nagongera Campus with a focus on Science and Education. Currently, the university has six operational campuses and one study center in Tororo town focusing on short and skill-based training courses. It has also grown from 2 faculties and 3 academic programs to 6 faculties and 40 academic programs across various specializations. Furthermore, Busitema University is officially accredited by the Uganda National Council for Higher Education (UNCHE). It currently occupies #8 position in UniRank’s 2022 Ugandan University Ranking.
#9 Gulu University
Founded in 2001, Gulu University is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the urban setting of the large town of Gulu, Northern Region Uganda. The university, however, admitted its first students and commenced teaching activities in September 2002. The University was initially named the Gulu University of Agriculture and Environmental Science and was to specialize in agricultural mechanization. However, it was renamed Gulu University after a proposal that the University should widen its scope beyond agricultural mechanization and produce a high-level human resource that can effectively participate in solving the social and economic problems of the country. Currently, the school offers various undergraduate and graduate programs through its 6 faculties and 2 institutes. The Faculties and institutes include: The school also has a student population of over 5,000, including diploma, undergraduate, and postgraduate program enrollees. Furthermore, Gulu University is officially accredited by the Uganda National Council for Higher Education (UNCHE). It currently occupies #9 position in UniRank’s 2022 Ugandan University Ranking.
#10 Bugema University
Founded in 1948, Bugema University is a non-profit private higher education institution located in the rural setting of the large city of Kampala, Central Region Uganda. It is a part of the Seventh-day Adventist education system, the world’s second-largest Christian school system. At Bugema University, they are committed to equal opportunity and do not discriminate against qualified persons on the basis of gender, color, religion, national, or ethnic origin in their educational admission policies. Currently, the school offers several undergraduate and graduate programs through its 8 schools and 2 institutes. The schools and institutes include: Furthermore, Bugema University is officially accredited by the Uganda National Council for Higher Education (UNCHE) and the Adventist Accrediting Association (AAA). It currently occupies #10 position in UniRank’s 2022 Ugandan University Ranking. Would you like to know more about medical universities in Uganda? Then, read 13 Best Medical Schools in Uganda
Other Notable Universities In Uganda
Aside from having one of the most affordable education in the world. Below are some reasons why you should study in Uganda:Uganda has a wonderful climate which creates a conducive environment for studying and living there,The country is famous for its rich African culture. Uganda’s best university, Makerere University, is one of the pioneering learning institutions on the continent and has trained Presidents, senior business executives, academics, scientists and community leaders from across Africa.There is a whole range of quality and relevant courses to choose from various Ugandan colleges and universities.Universities, colleges, and schools in Uganda offer a vibrant, creative and challenging environment that gives an opportunity to the students for developing their potential.Also, the education regulatory environment ensures the students receive a quality education.
There are 57 Ugandan higher-education institutions. These include 11 public universities, 39 private universities (including religious-affiliated universities), 4 Ugandan military universities and 3 other accredited degree-awarding institutions
There are about 11 public universities in Uganda.
There are about 39 private universities (including religious-affiliated universities).
Makerere University, Kampala is the largest and most well-known institution of higher learning in Uganda.
For students studying in public universities, they will be spending way below $4500 for both the costs of study and living during the course of their study. On the other hand, from StudyAbroadUniversities’ report, the cost spent on privately-run higher education institutions varies somewhere between $4500-$5000 (Shs16,592,292-Shs18,435,880 ) depending upon the courses.
Here is a list of the best universities and colleges in Uganda to study in 2022:Makerere University Uganda Christian UniversityMbarara University of Science and Technology Kampala International UniversityKyambogo UniversityUganda Martyrs UniversityUganda Technology and Management UniversityBusitema UniversityGulu UniversityBugema University
Most students derive huge satisfaction from getting a degree from one of the best universities in their country of study and the world at large. This is so because these schools give highly recognized certificates and also the best education in a conducive learning environment with the best equipment for teaching. Therefore, if you’ve made up or yet to make up your mind to study in Uganda, we have compiled the 10 best universities in Uganda with the necessary information to help you. Conclusively, I hope the information above helps you in your decision-making process. Good Luck And Success!!!
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